Thursday, April 30, 2009

Art Lessons

I'm so excited to get the opportunity to teach art now and then at the Team Kess Academy! It's so much fun, and just a tiny way I can give back a little with all the Kesslers have done for us Lindens. The boys did a fantastic job on our first lesson together. It's WONDERFUL to see what they come up with! We will be working on abstract concepts, line drawing, and watercolor for awhile. They actually got really creative with their subjects, and decided to draw people outside, using the window as their easel.   I'm very proud of my art students!

Who knew there would be creative writing involved?!  Well done Riles.  Looking so forward to the next art day coming up soon!


Me said...

Where is the website for your magnificent art?

Nancy said...

Team Kess are great artists....and they have a great teacher!