A couple of Saturdays ago, Annabelle was scheduled to surf with
Wheels to Water ( W2W ). Well, I guess we didn't get the memo of cancellation, because they were not there. As it turned out, it was exactly as it should be.

Do you believe in divine appointments? When something so wonderful happens, that it is beyond coincidence? Well I certainly do. That Saturday was truly divine.

Four other participants showed up waiting to surf. So we made our own program. Matt and one other Dad, were the default surf instructors, and what a wonderful job they did!

I wish I had photos of our new friends surfing, but Annie was napping up for her surf sesh in the car while they were surfing, so unfortunately I didn't get those shots.
Pops took our little mermaid out by himself, and made it look like they'd done it a hundred times. They are both fish, and truly happiest in the water. This has always been.

The money shot.

And back out.

Annie caught five waves with Daddy that day. I have never been surfing, but my three year old, differently abled daughter has been three times now. I have been astounded at how people in this community are often so much more adventurous than so many of us in the typically able bodied community.

So happy.

And back out.

What's better than that?

Back out.

Pops said this group was pretty excited to see them out there...


My blissful fishies.

Safe with Daddy.


Just them.

This is our new friend William...
and you can see Matt and Annie off in the distance.

Time to come to shore...

...before Mommy flips out.

So proud!
These are two of our new friends William and Devin...

and this is
"Mad Man Mark." What a joy to meet these guys and share the day with them. It was Mark's customized board ( with a seat ) that Annie used that day. Talk about an innovative inspiration. Thank you Mark!

Annabelle has her "take on the world ( or at least the sea! ) face" on.

Mark described her as "fearless." I think he may be right.

Post session chat.

Heading out.

Mark has everything rigged so that he can haul it all himself. I can't imagine carrying all this by myself. Unstoppable.

Annie with new friend Devin. There is a common ground that bonds us, and cuts through the pretenses. With Devin it was pretty much immediate.

I think I know you.
We look very forward to surfing with W2W, but I am convinced that we met these guys ( and new friend Beverly, who left before I had the camera out ) and missed the cancellation memo for a reason. We would not have shown up had we gotten the message, and what a day we had because we didn't! The nature of a divine appointment.

And here we have the after glow ( or post party ; ) of time spent in the ocean.

Surf Buddies.

Such love.

Maybe since I can surf, there's no reason I can't fly!

This is how she has been every time post surf sesh.

She spent at least a half an hour just laughing on the beach.

Nothing entertaining her but her own beautiful thoughts...

...and nothing could make me happier.

Once we left the beach, it was good and time for LUNCH. And how could we resist the place that was all DECKED OUT for Halloween? Another post party.
Gorgeous photos of a beautiful girl! Annabelle and Georgia have the same swim suit, and the same pink boots!
What a great series of pictures. I absolutely love this.
Absolutely beautifully divine.
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