Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks

I thank my God every time I remember you.

- Philippians 1:3

Just a small representation of the many many people who have supported us through the past two years (photos we had at our fingertips this morning).

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Delicious Halloween!

The biggest treat of the Halloween weekend was having our Elizabeth here from Austin! We have missed her so very much.
After Annabelle got in her morning greetings, it was time to help Pops fill the bird feeder. All things great and small needed their treats.

Then it was time to bake a cupcake and head over to Team Kess to check out all the tricks.

The Cooks ( our neighbors ) had their house ALL SPOOKED OUT for the occasion. It was GREAT.
Then we got tired of our cupcake hat.

Once Auntie Critters joined us for the evening's festivities, it was time to turn the cupcake into a sugary sandwich.

Then it was time to make our own version of jack-o-lanterns. No pumpkin guts this year! We brewed up a nice batch of butter beer ( apple cidar, butterscotch, and a touch of rum...yuuummmm.... ), put on some spooky tunes, and got creative.

We even talked Pops into making one!
The highly enjoyable end result.
& Lindens.
So much fun!
The next day we thought it might be fitting to attempt a glimpse of "sort of Fall," so we went to Julian.
And then she had to go home. We miss you already Auntie Bethy!
Like I said, Delicious!