Our first stop: Los Gatos! That's right, The Cats!! There we spent some time with our good friends the Chandlers. I regret that we were bad about taking photos here, but the ones I got were of little Sydney artist.

Thank you Chandlers for your friendship and warm hospitality. We had a great time!
These folks are people we've wanted to meet for quite some time now. They are long time friends of our Mercers, and they have awesome twin boys, one of which is an SB kiddo. When they found out we were pregnant with Annabelle, Mama Missy contacted me right away to be of encouragement. It has meant so much. And they just happen to live in Los Gatos too, so we decided to see if they could get together. So glad it worked out!
They have a zip line at their place. How cool is that? This is Luke powering along. What SB?
Missy, Annie, Luke and Owen.
Buddies right away. So much fun!!
Napa Valley was our next stop to visit our friends the Monticelli family. These are people who know how to break bread together. What a treat to join them and finally meet the newest little ones.
Sacramento! These are Annie's "Big Sissies." Our Mercers of course.
All the Grandparents have to get in their Annabelle time.
Special time and treats from Nonna.
So much love.
Back in the car. Our little road tripper was a real road trouper.
Portland bound!!! Off to see Great Auntie B. & Lori ( wish we would've gotten the camera out the night before, Lori ), and their amazing PEZ museum!
Aunt Beth.
So good to see you!!!
Now, over the river and though the woods...
Finally to Gram & Papa's house. They have this nice thick rug to play on.
Good morning Papa.
Strollin' the hood with Gram and Papa.
Uncle Jeremy!
Auntie Kristi and cousin AVA!!!
One for each.
I think Auntie Kristi loves me...
and Papa likes to sit with me.
So once we got settled, we all decided to get back in the car and drive to Eastern Washington where we have LOTS-O-FAMILY.
Great Aunties Marcia & Joye.
The infamous Grandma Lucille ( Papa's Mama ) and more kisses from Papa.
Us Ladies.
Great Uncle Neal.
Oh yeah, My C.C. ( Cousin Crystal ).
Grandma Lu & Little Lu
Reading with Auntie Joye.
Sugars for my Ava Niecey.
Pumpkin carving!
Grandkids and Great Grandkids with Grandma Lu. When we decided to take this photo, she actually said out loud " Are you all tryin' to kill me?!" 92 and Hilarious.
Holy cousins in the tub!
And in their jammies!
Crackin' up.
That's my brother behind the cuteness there.
And even more cuteness.
And glory, hallelujah, I got my Fall!
Our Annabellies.
Our Fishermen.
Pops "caught a fish."
My Jenni.
There were so many critters to enjoy at the farm. I flipped over these orange ones. Oh, and their pot bellied pig...named AVA! Too funny.
We got to ride horses! One of my favorite things to do.
Josh the Dog and Ava Pig. Such good ones!
Here's the real work...and Henry got to stay up late and help. Smart kid!
Poor Josh. Only if some gets dropped.
We will always treasure our time in La Grande with our sweet friends.
After we left, Pops indulged me in making a few quick stops that I've wanted to make for years. My family lived in two different houses while we were in La Grande. This is the home my folks bought after living in the church parsonage for two years. When we lived there, it was white, with the red roof, and blue shutters. Now, the cute shutters are gone, and it's blue, but still looks like a doll house to me. Love it.
As you walk in the front doors. I could still smell the paste, Lysol, and peanut butter.
Ah, nostalgia.
Goodbye sweet little town!
Once we got back to Washington, our next visit would be in Seattle. First of all, with these lovely ladies. Pure love, theses two I tell ya. Pure love.
We've established a Chinese food tradition with them.
We love you Wickey Women!
We spent a few hours just us Lindens, in our old neighborhood before heading back to Gram & Papa's. This is Bizarro's. It's one of our favorite Seattle restaurants.
Annie was enthralled with the piano man at the market.
We also got some pretty great visitors at Gram & Papa's.
Sesame Street with Uncle Wes. Awesome.
Pumpkin pancakes!
Gram & Papa.
Weighing in.
With all three of their Granddaughters. A rare moment!
Our beautiful tour guide...who occupies a large portion of my heart.
This is the face of a happy camper, in an extraordinary place, with my family.
This structure is one that holds so much good stuff. Talent shows, silly camp songs, dancing, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful...
with a decent view.
Check it!
Thank you Crystal.
These are our friends the Fosters. The girl in the yellow hat is Alex, who I use to babysit when she was four years old. She's nineteen now. Oy. So cute! I am very bummed that my Kelsey is not in either of these photos. I was actually in the delivery room ( and helped!! ) when she was born. She is more special to me then she'll ever know.
And this is their Mama, My Marti.
Another trip to Seattle to see our Peeps! Brunch with Mary Francis. Isn't she somethin'! She actually drove all the way from Bellingham to see us. Love that Mary.
So good to see you!!
Next we stopped by Shmancy, my friend Kristen's boutique, to hang out with her and check out her great business . She sells funky handmade toys, and art. It's fantastic.
Annabelle was in bewildered awe.
So fun and inspiring to see you Kristen!!
Then it was time to go to the Parker's for dinner. They are our dear friends from our home church in Seattle ( which I regret not taking any photos of the Sunday we went there while in town ). Annie got to play with Ren & Elise ( please tell me I spelled their names correctly! ).
Miss you Parkers!
This gathering is with folks ( and their kids ) that Pops used to work with in the restaurant biz that we have stayed such good friends with.
Story time.
The Guys.
The Gals.
Miss you all! Thanks for hosting such a nice time Tami!
I guess it's time to go home, and rest up for...
With cousin Ava Pumpkin!!
And don't you think I make a lovely ladybug?
I can't take it!!! Too... much...CUTENESS.
Time for toys!
Pops carved a most excellent jack-o-lantern.
Celebrating Auntie Kristi's birthday!
Last visit before the road home. This lady has been another champ for us in the special needs community. She has two beautiful daughters that have given her lots of experience to give expert advice, and a compassionate heart for others. Thank you Michelle.

It even had a play room for the munchkins! We got to meet Annabel with our Annabelle sporting pants that she had made, from cousin Sara. Pretty fun to see her reaction. What a creative talent.

We were blessed with a gorgeous Fall day, and Ashland and Sara charmed our socks off!

What an incredible time and opportunity. Thanks to everyone we stayed and visited with. It has meant so very much. And giant thanks to Gram & Papa for putting us up / putting up with us for a month!!! It was amazing.
Uh oh, was supposed to get ready to go, but feel asleep on Papa. Who can blame her?
Last cuddles.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
The road home.
Only two visits this time. First stop, Ashland, Oregon to see cousin Sara.
This is a boutique she like to shop at called
Sara's house has good floors for wheelin'!
It's nice here.
Thank you my kindred spirit Cuz.
Last stop before home to San Diego.
Squishy Sissies.
These are two little films from our trip that Pops made. I'm so proud of his work here. The first one is a visit to the pumpkin patch in Eastern Washington with family, and the second is of our visit with dear friends to my old home town in Oregon. So charming, if you have the time to watch. Thank you for visiting The Post Party, and enjoy this wonderful season.
Oh! We had soooo much fun with you guys!!! Wish it didn't have to end! Love the post!! Thank you for sharing!! -Auntie Kristi
Going through this amazing adventure on your post with you I got all teary-eyed. How fantastic that you have sooo much love everywhere you go?? Your family is truly remarkable. So glad I was fortunate enough to see you while you were in Seattle.
Mary Frances
Looks like quite a trip, full of beautiful memories.
Wow, I loved going on your trip "with" you! What a wonderful time--and so many memories that will always warm you when you are having a dreary day. So glad you did that!
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