Monday, December 8, 2008

The Stuff of Sleep

Last night was the first night that Annabelle spent in her crib, in the nursery. She was not in our bedroom, in the bassinet, next to me. She slept just fine. I did not. She just felt so far away. This will take a little getting use to. I'm guessing that sleep deprivation will help the getting use to it. I'm not really sure what I ever did without her.


Stacy said...

I think that transition is the hardest. It does get easier but I still miss seeing my baby sleeping beside of me.

Joye Lisk said...

Perhaps our babies knew how welcomed they would be and came to be a part of us at our heart's calling. Now, letting them go.....even into the next room is the trick! Very tricky for years and years! Auntie Joye

StephLove said...

I'm glad it went smoothly (on Annabelle's side). We've had a lot of sleep trouble with both kids I won't even go into here.

I tagged you on my blog. Come over and see.